
About was born on August 1, 2007. It began as a site which served as my testing ground for web layouts that I made. I then created subdomains for my "design" site and online TCGs.

Five years passed so quickly and it was soon time for my hosting plan to expire. During these five years, my web host had changed company names and hosting plans. I was unable to continue on with the plan, as many of the features were removed and plan prices were bumped up.
On July 2, 2012, with my backup in hand, I was ready to switch web hosts. Or so I had thought. My backup files were not compatible with the new cpanel and I was stuck. All my subdomains and mySQL databases needed to be manually added back in. Although I am disappointed with the unsuccessful transfer, this had become a perfect time for me to completely refresh my domain with new ideas. That little bump along the way motivated me to renew my design ways and coding style. Why not try my hands on with HTML5 and CSS3? Why not improve on existing ideas and bringing new ones forward?
With a new mindset and variety of new tools, I am excited to push forward into the future.